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Destiny: Mara Sov TUBBZ (First Edition)
Destiny: Ikora Rey TUBBZ (First Edition)
Star Trek: Benjamin Sisko TUBBZ (First Edition)
Star Trek: The Doctor (EMH) TUBBZ (First Edition)
Mass Effect: Tali’Zorah Nar Rayya TUBBZ (First Edition)
Mass Effect: Commander Shepard (Female) TUBBZ (First Edition)
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Freddy TUBBZ (First Edition)
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Bonnie TUBBZ (First Edition)
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Foxy TUBBZ (First Edition)
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Chica TUBBZ (First Edition)
John Wick: John Wick with Pencil TUBBZ (First Edition)
The Matrix: Morpheus TUBBZ (First Edition)
The Matrix: Neo TUBBZ (First Edition)
Shaun of the Dead: ‘Shaun’ TUBBZ
Shaun of the Dead: Official Zombie Ed TUBBZ
Universal Monsters: Dracula TUBBZ
Universal Monsters: Frankenstein’s Monster TUBBZ
Universal Monsters: Creature of the Black Lagoon TUBBZ
Halloween (2007 A Rob Zombie film): Michael Myers TUBBZ
Saw: Billy the Puppet TUBBZ
Universal Monsters: Dracula TUBBZ (black & white)
Universal Monsters: Frankenstein’s Monster TUBBZ (Black & White - First Edition
Universal Monsters: Creature of the Black Lagoon TUBBZ (black & white)
Mystery pack! 3 - 1st edition Tubbz